Government offices
Christine Joy I. Martinez
Administrative IV
Mandate: To exercise control
and supervision over all and administrative affairs of Municipality of Looc,
Romblon.Vision: To have a Local
Government Unit that is responsive to the needs of its constituent thru the
delivery of basic social services and sound fiscal management.Mission: Upliftment of
standard of the people through good governance, accountability, transparency,
and sustainability of programs, giving economic opportunities
and quality services accessible to its constituents.
Mandate: Be the presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan and sign all warrants drawn from the municipal treasury for all expenditures for the operation of the Sangguniang Bayan
Vision: A head of Legislative body parliamentary system is valued, trusted and must be understood and approved resolution and ordinances must always abide under the provision of the laws.
Mission: That all ordinances and resolutions approved must be for the welfare of constituents and improvement of the Municipality.
Mandate: As a legislative body, enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general welfare of the Municipality and its constituents pursuant to section 16 of the Local Government Code.
Vision: A united and cooperative Sangguniang Bayan that is dedicated, God – fearing, responsible, productive and transparent, performing legislation that is pro – people, pro – environment, and socially responsive.
Mission: The Sangguniang Bayan of Looc, Romblon shall perform its duties and functions as provided under R.A. 7160 to attain good participatory good governance through legislation.
Organizational Outcome: that ordinances and resolutions approved by the legislative body of Looc, Romblon must be implemented properly and must have a positive result for the betterness of the Municipality and constituents.
Municipal AccountantMandate: The office shall perform all accounting related services of the Local Government Unit.
Vision: A leading support department of the Municipal Government of Looc, Romblon towards transparency and accountability in local governance through total quality management and excellent public service.
Mission: To ensure accurate recording of accounting transaction and timely submission of Financial Statement and/ or required reports for management use in decision making and for compliance with all statutory requirements.
Organizational Outcome: Process/compute all valid claims, complete with the required supporting documents within specified cycle time and prepare/finalize and submit required Financial Statement and/or related reports on or before the due dates.
The Accounting Office – is responsible for preparing, auditing, assessing, and improving the documentary requirements for the disbursements of the LGU. This includes payroll and personal services, vouchers for goods and services, utilities, cash advances, remittances, as well as reimbursement of expenses.
They handle transactions between the government to the citizens, businesses, or other LGUs and contractors.
Available Services:
- Processing and Approval of Vouchers
Municipal Budget OfficerMandate: To provide the delivery of basic services related to local budget administration including budget process and policies, directions and priorities governing affective fiscal discipline, proper allocation and mobilization of available resources and effective management of public expenditures.
Vision: To be a proactive development partner/advocate of the financial management team of the Municipal Government in the effective allocation and management of public resources and expenditures toward achieving its pursuit for fiscal strength and governance.
Mission: The Municipal Budget Office is committed to promote, implement and strengthen public expenditure management policies and directions that are sustainable and supportive to the program thrusts and development goals of the Municipal Govt., advocate policies and directives that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability in public spending.
Organizational Outcome: All departments know their financial status in relation to the budget.
The Budget Office – to control, monitor, verify, assess, and execute the budget for the city, barangays, and public schools. The office needs to maintain accurate data of the budget provided for these different entities and determine how this budget is being used, whether it’s being used appropriately, and the results.
Scope of Responsibility:
- Payroll/Salaries/Other Personal Services
- Purchase of Goods or Services
- Reimbursement of Expenses
- Utilities
- Cash advances
- Infrastructure Projects
- Financial Assistance/Other Claims
- Annual and Supplemental Barangay Budget
The Treasurer’s Office
as mandated by law has the responsibility of managing the financial resources of the Local Government. In the performance of its duties and functions, it carries with it the mission and vision of rendering quality service to all taxpayers, enhancing the revenue capability of the local government through improved collection methods and strategies, and strict implementation of revenue laws and ordinances.
Acting Municipal TreasurerMandate: To stabilize the finances of the Municipality through implementation of programs, improving the revenue efficiency of collections and ensure prudent spending of its fund.
Vision: To be an office with competent and credible employees, well kept and updated records to fully serve its mandate.
Mission: To maximize collection efforts and implement technology-based record keeping.
Programs and Services:
Municipal Planning and Development CoordinatorJOHN CARLO G. DUMAQUITAGIS Mapper/IT SpecialistMandate: Formulate integrated economic, special physical and other development plans and policies for consideration of the Local Government Council; and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different programs, activities and projects in the LGU in accordance with the approved development plan.
Vision: Toward effective and sustainable planning for the Municipality of Looc’s progress and advancement.
Mission: Initiate and cause the participatory formulation, coordination and integration of effective and comprehensive development plans; analyze income and expenditure patterns; provide sufficient and reliable information; conduct researches and continuing studies for project planning; monitor and evaluate the implementation of the programs and projects with feedback mechanism in support of the LGU vison.
Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
Municipal EngineerMandate: Initiate review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans ang programs, techniques, procedures and practices in infrastructure, development, and public works in general of the Local Government Unit (LGU).
Vision: A well-equipped and fully functional engineering unit that focuses and acts on essential infrastructure needs of the Municipality and its constituents.
Mission: To constantly monitor over all condition of all necessary and central infrastructure facilities in order to sustain their usefulness and to address vital engineering concerns in critical areas of the Municipality.
The Assessor’s Office– is responsible for carrying out real property tax-related functions such locating all taxable real properties (land, buildings and other structures, and machinery) in the City; identifying and updating ownership.
Municipal AssessorMandate: To install and maintain real property identification and accounting system through computerized system. To undertake activities in updating tax mapping and assessment records of real properties. To ensure uniformity, regularity consistency I the application and enforcement policies, rules, and regulations governing the administration of real properties and to appraise all real properties by its fair market value and conduct regular ocular inspection to determine if they are properly assessed.
Vision: Enhance of revenue generation through equitable, uniform, standardize and effective application of
the existing rules, laws and procedure in appraising and assessing real properties within the Municipality.Mission: Tapping the potential of real property taxes through continuous inventory, listing and accounting of all real properties within the province, appraise and assess all real properties in properties in accordance with the existing rules and regulations and maintain.
In the Municipality of Looc, prior the creation of the position of a Municipal Assessor the duties and functions appurtenant to the said office was absorbed/assumed by the Municipal Treasurer as an Ex-Office Officer. In the year 1982 the said position was filled up by the first and regular appointed Deputy Provincial and Municipal Assessor in the person of Mr. ROLANDO CONANAN GREGORIO SR. The appointment was lodged in the Department of Finance particular to the Director of Bureau of Looc Government finance of each region, subject to the recommendation of the concerned Provincial Assessor. That upon the affectivity of the Local Government Code of the Philippines in 1991, the above-mentioned designation was changed to plain Municipal Assessor and the appointing authority is granted to the Municipal Mayor having now the direct supervision and control over said office. After the retirement of Mr. Rolando C. Gregorio, Sr. on August 08, 2012, Mr. FLORENTINO RUFON MILLARES, REA was appointed and assumed office on March 01, 2017 to February 01, 2020. That upon the retirement of former Municipal Assessor Florentino R. Millares, MR. CESAR ACEVEDO MARTINEZ, JR., a Real Estate Appraiser and the Municipal Assessor of Alcantara, Romblon since 1990, transferred to Looc on May 18, 2020 to present.
Establish a systematic method of assessment in the manner prescribed in this manual and in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Secretary of Finance;
Install and maintain a real property identification system in the manner prescribed in this manual and in conformity with the standards prescribed by the Secretary of Finance;
Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping showing graphically all properties subject to assessment in the province, city, or municipality and gather all necessary data concerning the same;
Undertake a general revision of real property assessments every three (3) years;
Make frequent physical surveys to check and determine whether all real properties within the locality are properly listed in the assessment rolls;
Appraise all real properties in accordance with the approved or duly enacted Schedule of Fair Market Values pursuant to R.A. No. 7160, and conduct frequent ocular inspections to determine if all properties are properly assessed;
Prepare Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheets (FAAS’s) and issue Tax Declarations for all newly discovered properties and transactions involving transfers of ownership, subdivisions of land into two or more parcels, and/or consolidation of two or more parcels into a single ownership, as well as other transactions involving assessment of real property;
Enforce uniformly the exemptions from real property tax as prescribed in this Manual;
Apply the appropriate assessment levels prescribed by the Sanggunian concerned;
Keep all record of all transfers, leases and mortgages of real property, rentals insurance, cost of construction of buildings and other improvements on land, land income and other source of data needed in the preparation of schedule of fair market values as well as for other assessment purposes;
Cancel assessment in case of duplication of assessment on one property. However, if any assesses or his representative shall object to the cancellation of the assessment made in his name, such assessment shall not be cancelled but the fact shall be noted on the field appraisal assessment sheet, tax declaration, assessment rolls and other property book of records. Preference, however, shall be given to the assessment of the person who has the best title to the property or, in default thereof, of the person who is in the actual possession of the property;
Eliminate from the assessment roll of taxable properties such properties which have been destroyed or have suffered permanent loss of value by reason of storm, flood, fire or other calamity; or being exempt properties that have been improperly included in the same;
Decrease the assessment where the property previously assessed has suffered a substantial loss of value by reason of physical and economic obsolescence; and
Increase the assessment where improvements and repairs have been made upon the property subsequent to the last assessment.
The Office of the Civil Registrar shall be responsible for the civil registration program of the local government unit pursuant to the Civil Registry Law, the Civil Code, and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations.
1. Prepare Civil Registry documents presented for registration.
2. Receive Civil Registry documents for registration.
3. Register Registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of a person.
4. Prepare and register legal instruments affecting the civil status of a person.
5. Prepare and receive application for marriage license and after determining that the requirements and supporting certificate and posting thereof for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue the license upon payment of the authorized fee.
6. Transmit to the office of the Civil Registrar-General within the prescribed period, duplicate copies of registered documents required by law.
Municipal Civil RegistrarMay R. Noval, RN, MAN
Assistant Registration Officer IMandate: Develop plans and strategies on Civil Registry program and projects and ensure effective implementation.
Vision: Good centered, full and responsive in the fulfillment of its mandate.
Mission: Deliver quality, relevant and reliable civil registration services.
Municipal Health Officer
Mandate: Be in the frontline in providing delivery of quality basic health services, particularly during in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities.
Vision: Healthy, United, Self Reliant and Progressive Loocnons by Year 2025.
Mission: Delivery of quality basic Health Services that is accessible to all for a Healthy, Empowered, United, Productive, Self-Reliant and Progressive Family and Community.
Municipal Health Officer
Mandate: Be in the frontline in providing delivery of quality basic health services, particularly during in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities.
Vision: Healthy, United, Self Reliant and Progressive Loocnons by Year 2025.
Mission: Delivery of quality basic Health Services that is accessible to all for a Healthy, Empowered, United, Productive, Self-Reliant and Progressive Family and Community.
Mandate: To improve and generate work opportunities for farmers, fishermen, and other rural workers to encourage people’s participation in agricultural development through sectorial representation in agricultural policy making bodies to ensure that the policies, plans and programs of the Department are formulated and executed to suit their needs. It shall also practice a bottoms up, self-reliant farm system approach that will achieve social justice, equity, productivity and sustainability through agricultural resources.
Vision: To help and empower the farming ang fishing communities together with the private sector to earn decent income by producing enough and affordable food for all the constituents.
Mission: To have a diversified rural economy that is dynamic ang technologically advanced, guided by sound practices of resource sustainability, and strong private sector participation.
The Office of the Agriculture is the lead agency of the Municipal government responsible for the community’s agricultural growth and development in terms of farming, fishery and livestock raising.
Agricultural extension workers are professionals who provide technical assistance and advice to farmers and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector. Their role is critical In ensuring that the agricultural sector operates efficiently and effectively, contributing to the growth and development of the economy. The following arc some of the duties and functions of agricultural extension workers in local government units:
1. Providing technical advice and assistance to farmers: Extension workers provide farmers with advice on hest practices for crop and livestock production. This advice covers topics such as seed selection, planting, fertilization, pest and disease management, and harvesting.
2. Conducting farmer training programs: Extension workers organize and conduct training programs for farmers on various aspects of agriculture. These programs cover topics such as new technologies, marketing. and financing.
3. Facilitating access to inputs: Extension workers help farmers access agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. They also facilitate access to credit facilities to enable farmers to finance their operations. 4. Supporting community development: Extension workers play a crucial role in community development by promoting sustainable agriculture practices. conservation. and environmental protection.FUNCTION:
Extension on site research services and facilitate related to agriculture and fishery activities which include dispersal of livestock and poultry, fingerling, vegetable seed farms, medicinal plant gardens, fruit trees and other kinds of seedling nurseries; demonstration farms, improvement and development of distribution channels; preferably through cooperatives; water and soil utilization and conversion projects; enforcement of fishery laws in municipal waters including conservation of forests.
Municipal Social Welfare and DevelopmentMandate: Formulate measures, develop plans and strategies on social welfare programs, provide relief and appropriate crisis intervention for victims of various abuse and exploitation.
Vision: To empower individuals, families, groups and community to be self-sufficient, to render quality social services to the clients to create and avail of opportunities for continuing professional growth, lively freely in a society where poverty is a condition that can and must be change.
Mission: To deliver basic social services, develop and uplift standard of living of every individual, families, groups and community and eradicate domestic violence in the family and community; to seek higher quality of life for all people; and to develop highly fulfilled human being in a n atmosphere of social equity economic prosperity.
The MSWDO will care, protect and develop the disadvantaged sectors to become self-reliant and productive citizens in the community through responsive delivery of social welfare services.
It promotes social development through livelihood creation; care, protection and rehabilitation of persons with disability; provision of assistance to disaster victims in times of calamities; and capability building of women, children and youth.
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management OfficerMandate: Responsible for setting the direction, development, implementation and coordination of disaster risk management programs within their territorial jurisdiction.
Vision: A locality inhabited by citizens empowered from information and education and strengthened by disaster risk reduction projects towards a resilient community against all kind of disasters.
Mission: Institutionalization of disaster risk management programs in barangay through sustainable implementation of four thematic areas in prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response and rehabilitation / recovery.
Municipal Environment and National Resources Officer – DesignateMandate: To ensure environment friendly for the municipality through sustainable development anchored programs and projects, environmental development plans and strategies, maintenance of cleanliness and sanitation, regulation of natural wealth, reforestation and material recovery of waste materials.
Vision: Aims for an ecologically balanced and economic principles of sustainable development.
Mission: Committed to work for the development of eco -tourist programs and mobilizing all sectors of the society in attaining an ecologically balance municipality
Organizational Outcome: Good governance and effective environmental management resulting to a clean, green and healthy environment delivered to the people of Looc.
Tourism Officer – DesignateMandate: To develop an
environmentally and socially responsible tourism industry that delivers more
revenues and employment opportunitiesVision: Improve accessibility
of travel destinations, make tourism products better and more affordable,
promote a cultural identity among local residents, increase recognition of
tourism as an efficient tool towards socio-economic development of the
municipality of Looc.Mission: To promote
sustainable economic growth through responsible tourism development.